Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Kwirikwiri II

So officially I am a Kwirikwiri.
This is to say I was born in another country
(Uncle Bob's Northern Limpopo Paradise).

I meet fellow amaKwirikwiri every day.

Hawkers on Greenmarket Square.
Professionals in lofty corporate positions

and places of higher (l)earning.
Radio annoucers on national radio.
Presenters on local TV.
Financial consultants.
Tsotsis roving the Cape Town train platform.
Purveyors of traditional medicine.
Hoarders of Malawi Gold and Swazi Special.
Billionaires in their homeland (US$1 = Z$100 000).
Carvers of soapstone mother and child, mvuu and nzou.
Bad people.
Good people.

Thabo Mbeki once (in)famously announced:
I am an African.
Here here.
But reaching deeper than that:
I am a Kwirikwiri.
And farking proud of it.

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